8a Certified Advantage |
1. Sole Sourcing – it is a powerful vehicle that enables the federal agencies to award contracts (including purchase of goods and products and procuring for services) from 8a certified companies without having them to bid for the project. On the other hand sole sourcing enables the 8a certified small business firms to win contracts without entering into project bidding with their closest competitors, directly from the federal marketplace.
2. Limited Competition – Once you get your business 8a certified you actually limit the competition on getting federal contracts! You will be surprised to know that there are approximately 24 million businesses operating in the US soil, not surprisingly only 8500 of these firms gets to enjoy 8a certified advantage. So you have plenty of free space to jump into!
3. Huge Federal Spending - the federal government spends a lot of dollars each year on federal contracts with the 8a certified firms for procuring goods and services at pre-negotiated rates. Last year the amount of federal spending for 8a program was a staggering $30 billion. Now could you believe that? It’s only feasible if you get your small business certified through SBA 8a application.
4. Large Contract Amounts – Now that’s another catch for applicants who wish to benefit from 8a certified advantage. Contracts are quite large for all 8a approved firms. You must know that federal contracts are awarded up to $4 million for products and services and up to 6.5 million for manufacturing deals.
5. Honest and Fair Pricing - yes, only in the federal marketplace you’ll get to benefit from the honest and better pricing structure. The 8a certified firms gets a full and open source price adjustment is offered by federal customers to 8a firms up to 10% of the fixed contract amount.
So you can see from the above that once you can see your SBA 8a application through the certifying authority you’re in a win-win situation. Take benefit of the 8a certified advantage and set your business rolling on the fast lane of success.