What is 8a certification Small Business

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Thursday, 19 September 2013

Is Your Business Small Enough To Obtain 8a Certification?

You may own a business, which you consider it to be small. But what is most important is that whether the Small Business Administration considers your business to be small. The SBA will only consider your company to be small if it finds out that you adhere to the size standards set by them. This means only if your company meets the SBA size standards, it will be considered to be a small business by the Small Business Administration. Unless your...

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

How To Get In Touch With The Right Person After 8A Certification

If you think that getting the 8A certification is all that you need to do, to get access to the hugely funded federal projects, you are absolutely wrong. An 8A contract is all about pitching the right person the right time. Often applicants after getting the 8 A Certification get confused where to look for feasible contracting options. If you are keen to initiate your business growths and sales efforts then it is imperative for you to get in touch...

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Tips To GSA Pricing Negotiation

Negotiation is basically a skill, which may be honed over time until it is perfect. However, developing this skill needs a lot of persistence and practice. The General Service Administration in the United States allows for negotiation. It conducts a price negotiation with the company that wants to apply for the federal contract. The price negotiation is generally conducted after the submission of the GSA application. The main objective of the negotiation...